Jharkhand population by caste In 2011 there were total 22811 families Khajuri Population, Caste, Working population Data of Khajuri in Garhwa district, Jharkhand. The Sex Ratio among Scheduled Caste is 951 females for every 1000 males. Out of which 38785 are males while 37780 are females. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 23 families residing in the village Bakshidih. Jarmundi is a village situated in Litipara block of Pakur district in Jharkhand. Out of which 232629 are males while 229161 are females. Kamdara Block of Gumla district has total population of 63775 as per the Census 2011. Dumuria is a village situated in Hat Gamharia block of Pashchimi Singhbhum district in Jharkhand. Fagutola Population, Caste, Working population Data of Fagutola in Pakur district, Jharkhand. Out of which 92228 are males while 88542 are females. Tati is a Census Town city situated in Namkum Block of Ranchi district. List of all Blocks in Garhwa District of Jharkhand. The total population of Lodhma is 2146 out of which 1106 are males and 1040 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Lodhma is 940. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 104 families residing in the village Dhanbad. 83%) have returned themselves as followers of Hindu religion, 48 lakhs (14. Itkhori Block of Chatra district has total population of 74929 as per the Census 2011. 21%), respectively. Jama Block of Dumka district has total population of 137963 as per the Census 2011. The total population of Khunti is 36390 out of which 18566 are males and 17824 are females. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Khunti District as per Census 2011 Population of Jharkhand in 2025 increased to 4. 3 Cr. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 660 families residing in the village Masnodih. Nala Block in Jamtara District of Jharkhand. Deoghar is a Munciple Corporation city situated in Deoghar Block of Deoghar district. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 325 families residing in the village Maluti. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Ramgarh District as per Census 2011 Panki Population, Caste, Working population Data of Panki in Palamu district, Jharkhand. Latehar Block in Latehar District of Jharkhand. The total population of Khajuri is 1708 out of which 883 are males and 825 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Khajuri is Torpa Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Q. The total population of Bermo is 17401 out of which 9086 are males and 8315 are females. Out of which 1072807 are males while 989523 are females. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 96 families residing in the village Japlanga. Out of which 78513 are males while 72486 are females. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Ranchi District as per Census 2011 Chatra Population, Caste, Working population Data of Chatra in Chatra district, Jharkhand. Chakradharpur Block in Pashchimi Singhbhum District of Jharkhand. List of all Blocks in Ranchi District of Jharkhand. Nagri Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. The population growth rate in 2024 is projected at 1. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 1620 families residing in the Jena city. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 113 families residing in the village Kudda. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 77 families residing in the village Bahinga. The total population of Jarmundi is 84 out of which 45 are males and 39 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Jarmundi Fatehpur Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. The total area of Jharkhand is 79716 sq. The total population of Sundarpahari is 1375 out of which 691 are males and 684 are females thus Gumla district of Jharkhand has total population of 1025213 as per the Census 2011. List of all Blocks in Lohardaga District of Jharkhand. Namkum Block in Ranchi District of Jharkhand. Barkagaon Block in Hazaribagh District of Jharkhand. Singhni is a village situated in Jarmundi block of Dumka district in Jharkhand. Out of which 1494937 are males while 1419316 are females. The total population of Serak is 3734 out of which 1855 are males and 1879 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Serak is 1012. Silli Block in Ranchi District of Jharkhand. Out of which 65141 are males while 61178 are females. Out of which 62401 are males while 61987 are females. The total population of Patlabari is 2356 out of which 1219 are males and 1137 are females thus the Jamtara district of Jharkhand has total population of 791042 as per the Census 2011. Out of which 1258098 are males while 1187376 are females. Out of which 683575 are males while 639209 are females. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Deoghar District as per Census 2011 Jamho Population, Caste, Working population Data of Jamho in Latehar district, Jharkhand. Out of which 56841 are males while 55918 are females. Giridih is a Nagar Parishad city situated in Giridih Block of Giridih district. Jamtara Block of Jamtara district has total population of 202478 as per the Census 2011. Mandar Block in Ranchi District of Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 222 families residing in the village Pandepur. Jharkhand's tribal population constitutes a substantial portion of the state's Nirsa Population, Caste, Working population Data of Nirsa in Dhanbad district, Jharkhand. The total population of Japlanga is 528 out of which 263 are males and 265 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio Ranchi district of Jharkhand has total population of 2914253 as per the Census 2011. Caste plays a significant role in the social and cultural fabric of India. The total population of Madhupur is 55238 out of which 28889 are males and 26349 are females. Nawadih is a village situated in Garhwa block of Garhwa district in Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 12371 families Bero Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 297 families residing in the village Kauribahiyar Ghat. In 2011 there were total 19232 Bhawnathpur Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Chaibasa is a Nagar Parishad city situated in Chaibasa Block of Pashchimi Singhbhum district. The 2011 Census of India for Uttar Pradesh, where they were classified as a Scheduled Caste under the name Beriya, showed their population as 46,775. The total population of Maluti is 1469 out of which 761 are males and 708 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Maluti is Masnodih Population, Caste, Working population Data of Masnodih in Kodarma district, Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 21055 Godda Population, Caste, Working population Data of Godda in Godda district, Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 18 families residing in the village Jarmundi. Which caste is maximum in Jharkhand? Ans- Jharkhand state has maximum number of OBC (55%) caste people. Jharkhand Population 2024. Pipcho is a village situated in Jainagar block of Kodarma district in Jharkhand. 3 Know the current (2025) population of Jharkhand and also the population according to the 2011 census. Out of which 58087 are males while 55711 are females. In 2011 there were total 22572 families Dumaria Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. In 2011 there were total 396521 families residing in Giridih district. In 2011 there were total 103700 families residing in Khunti district. & Date 1. Fatehpur Block of Jamtara district has total population of 89645 as per the Census 2011. Jena is a Census Town city situated in Jaridih Block of Bokaro district. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Purbi Singhbhum District as per Census 2011. Out of which 589391 are males while 561176 are females. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Jamtara District as per Census 2011. Out of which 74142 are males while 71699 are females. Out of which 68771 are males while 66009 are females. Kamdara Block in Gumla District of Jharkhand. Fagutola is a village situated in Pakaur block of Pakur district in Jharkhand. The total population of Manikabad is 5122 out of which 2693 are males and 2429 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio Deoghar Population, Caste, Working population Data of Deoghar in Deoghar district, Jharkhand. Serak is a village situated in Chandwa block of Latehar district in Jharkhand. Bermo Population, Caste, Working population Data of Bermo in Bokaro district, Jharkhand. Siardih is a village situated in Pathargama block of Godda district in Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 21487 Manikabad Population, Caste, Working population Data of Manikabad in Giridih district, Jharkhand. Dhanwar Block of Giridih district has total population of 267352 as per the Census 2011. Bakshidih Population, Caste, Working population Data of Bakshidih in Hazaribagh district, Jharkhand. 86 percent of the Indian population, the highest since 1901. Out of which 67918 are males while 63751 are females. Male % Female % Urban Pop Jama Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. In 2011 there were total 24607 families Ratu Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Out of which 36737 are males while 33964 are females. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 29 families residing in the village Ghosi. Year. Population. Out of which 46272 are males while 46719 are females. Out of which 152251 are males while 137847 are females. In 2011 there Ghosi Population, Caste, Working population Data of Ghosi in Deoghar district, Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 407 families residing in the village Lodhma. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Garhwa District as per Census 2011. In 2011 there were total 569444 families residing in Ranchi district. Manikabad is a village situated in Deori block of Giridih district in Jharkhand. The total population of Ghosi is 214 out of which 111 are males and 103 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Ghosi is 927. The total population of Panki is 9642 out of which 4920 are males and 4722 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Panki is 959. Namkum Block of Ranchi district has total population of 145841 as per the Census 2011. Silli Block of Ranchi district has total population of 113798 as per the Census 2011. Out of which 775022 are males while 717051 are females. Barharwa Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Dumka District as per Census 2011 Chakradharpur Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 264 families residing in the village Siardih. Silidag is a village situated in Ramna block of Garhwa district in Jharkhand. 53%) as Muslims or the followers of Islam, 14. The total population of Nirsa is 14794 out of which 7752 are males and 7042 are females. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Chatra District as per Census 2011 Sundarpahari Population, Caste, Working population Data of Sundarpahari in Dhanbad district, Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 1255 families residing in the village Ramkanda. Out of which 31043 are males while 31085 are females. Out of which 1405956 are males while 1278531 are females. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 8402 families residing in the Chatra city. Pratappur Block in Chatra District of Jharkhand. At the census 2011, out of 3. Dhanwar Block in Giridih District of Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 30277 families Jamshedpur Population, Caste, Working population Data of Jamshedpur in Purbi Singhbhum district, Jharkhand. Murhu Block of Khunti district has total population of 85486 as per the Census 2011. In 2011 there were total 13543 . Kudda is a village situated in Karra block of Khunti district in Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 179375 families residing in Ramgarh district. In 2011 there were total Lohardaga district of Jharkhand has total population of 461790 as per the Census 2011. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 201 families residing in the village Kanadih. The total population of Giridih is 114533 out of which 59966 are males and 54567 are females. Out of which 98716 are males while 92032 are females. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Dhanbad District as per Census 2011 Siardih Population, Caste, Working population Data of Siardih in Godda district, Jharkhand. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Sahibganj District as per Census 2011. Mahuadanr Block in Latehar District of Jharkhand. Dhanbad is a Munciple Corporation city situated in Dhanbad-Cum-Kenduadih-Cum-Jagata Block of Dhanbad district. The total population of Chas is 141640 out of which 74727 are males and 66913 are females. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 19740 families residing in the Giridih city. The total population of Kudda is 616 out of which 318 are males and 298 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Kudda is 937. In 2011 there were total 14629 families Sahibganj district of Jharkhand has total population of 1150567 as per the Census 2011. Barhi Block of Hazaribagh district has total population of 131669 as per the Census 2011. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 13 families residing in the village Fagutola. Out of which 37915 are males while 36817 are females. Khunti Block in Khunti District of Jharkhand. In this article, the names of all the castes of Jharkhand and the category in which they fall like- ST, SC, BC (Annexure-1), BC (Annexure-2) complete information has been given. Out of which 668514 are males while 652928 are females. Out of which 94202 are males while 91084 are females. In 2011 there were total 17607 families Serak Population, Caste, Working population Data of Serak in Latehar district, Jharkhand. Itkhori Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Tandwa Block in Chatra District of Jharkhand. The total population of Bahinga is 409 out of which 219 are males and 190 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of The study on the tribal population of Jharkhand is imperative due to several compelling reasons that highlight the significance of understanding and addressing the unique challenges faced by these communities. Chatra Block in Chatra District of Jharkhand. The total population of Dhanbad is 439 out of which 211 are males and 228 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Dhanbad Oct 16, 2023 · Jharkhand's population density varies across its districts, with the average population density for the state being 414 people per square kilometer. Table A-10 Appendix: District wise scheduled caste population (Appendix), Jharkhand - 2011 Oct 9, 2023 · Caste-Wise Population In Jharkhand . Out of which 55679 are males while 51336 are females. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Kodarma District as per Census 2011. Jamtara Block in Jamtara District of Jharkhand. Out of which 76765 are males while 73045 are females. Gola Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 220783 families residing in the Dhanbad city. List of all Blocks in Giridih District of Jharkhand. The total population of Deoghar is 203123 out of which 107997 are males and 95126 are females. See full list on censusindia. co. Madhupur Block in Deoghar District of Jharkhand. km. In 2011 there were total 155275 families residing in Jamtara district. Chirkunda is a Nagar Panchayat city situated in Nirsa-Cum-Chirkunda Block of Dhanbad district. Dadi Block in Hazaribagh District of Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 16323 families Saraiyahat Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Gawan Block of Giridih district has total population of 115962 as per the Census 2011. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Ranchi District as per Census 2011. Madhupur is a Nagar Parishad city situated in Madhupur Block of Deoghar district. The total population of Jena is 8143 out of which 4314 are males and 3829 are females. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 245 families residing in the village Tirla. e. Bhawnathpur Block in Garhwa District of Jharkhand. Out of which 106429 are males while 99311 are females. In 2011 there were total 507064 families residing in Dhanbad district. Barhu is a village situated in Kanke block of Ranchi district in Jharkhand. Chandwa Block of Latehar district has total population of 106653 as per the Census 2011. Out of which 69621 are males while 68342 are females. Gawan Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. In 2011 there were total 188988 families residing in Gumla district. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Bokaro District as per Census 2011 Ormanjhi Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Ghosi is a village situated in Sarath block of Deoghar district in Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 31370 Erki Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Bermo is a Census Town city situated in Bermo Block of Bokaro district. Angara Block of Ranchi district has total population of 112759 as per the Census 2011. Maluti is a village situated in Shikaripara block of Dumka district in Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 671 families residing in the village Barhu. dt. Palasbani is a village situated in Gopikandar block of Dumka district in Jharkhand. Maluti Population, Caste, Working population Data of Maluti in Dumka district, Jharkhand. List of all Blocks in Khunti District of Jharkhand. Out of which 54168 are males while 52485 are females. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Gumla District as per Census 2011. The total population of Chirkunda is 45508 out of which 23772 are males and 21736 are females. Khunti is a Nagar Panchayat city situated in Khunti Block of Khunti district. In 2011 there were total 37342 families Devipur Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Population Census 2011. List of all Blocks in Dhanbad District of Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 170 families residing in the village Ulrathi. Out of which 138380 are males while 128972 are females. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Garhwa District as per Census 2011 Kamdara Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 259 families residing in the village Sundarpahari. In 2011 there were total 14418 families residing Chirkunda Population, Caste, Working population Data of Chirkunda in Dhanbad district, Jharkhand. 2% है। झारखंड अनुसूचित जनजाति सूची में 32 जातियां या उपजातियां (subcaste) है, जिसके लिए 28% आरक्षण की व्यवस्था है। आगे पढ़िए st में कौन-कौन सी जाति आती है jharkhand. The growth of the ST population has been 17. The total population of Barhu is 3529 out of which 1800 are males and 1729 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Barhu is 960. The total population of Chaibasa is 69565 out of which 36273 are males and 33292 are females. Out of which 494230 are males while 455213 are females. Jhariya is a village situated in Chakulia block of Purbi Singhbhum district in Jharkhand. The total population of Rakudih is 768 out of which 409 are males and 359 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Rakudih Mahuadanr Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. 23 crores (67. Chatra Block of Chatra district has total population of 150999 as per the Census 2011. Dhanbad is a village situated in Shikaripara block of Dumka district in Jharkhand. Khajuri is a village situated in Garhwa block of Garhwa district in Jharkhand. The total population of Chatra is 49985 out of which 26555 are males and 23430 are Ghaghra Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Gumla Block in Gumla District of Jharkhand. Bokaro district of Jharkhand has total population of 2062330 as per the Census 2011. In 2011 there were total 227023 families residing in Sahibganj district. In 2011 there were total 30523 Tandwa Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. 18/08/2010 Khunti Population, Caste, Working population Data of Khunti in Khunti district, Jharkhand. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Latehar District as per Census 2011. In 2011 there were total 20446 families residing Kodarma Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. In 2011 there were total 23783 families Dadi Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Nirsa is a Census Town city situated in Nirsa-Cum-Chirkunda Block of Dhanbad district. Dadi Block of Hazaribagh district has total population of 77770 as per the Census 2011. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 155 families residing in the village Jhariya. Whose list is given in the above post. Bakshidih is a village situated in Barhi block of Hazaribagh district in Jharkhand. Out of which 54615 are males while 54467 are females. Out of which 104162 are males while 98316 are females. Dumaria Block of Purbi Singhbhum district has total population of 62128 as per the Census 2011. Ramgarh district of Jharkhand has total population of 949443 as per the Census 2011. In 2011 there were total 254697 families residing in Garhwa district. List of all Blocks in Gumla District of Jharkhand. Karra Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Nagri Block of Ranchi district has total population of 76442 as per the Census 2011. Nov 1, 2023 · Jharkhand is the 14th most populous state of India and has a diverse population of many religions & communities. Ormanjhi Block of Ranchi district has total population of 94137 as per the Census 2011. In 2011 there were total 394918 families residing in Bokaro district. Out of which 57311 are males while 55779 are females. 30%) as Christians, and 4 Scheduled Castes (SC) Population in Jharkhand State is 39. The total population of Nawadih is 579 out of which 303 are males and 276 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Nawadih is Giridih Population, Caste, Working population Data of Giridih in Giridih district, Jharkhand. The total population of Masnodih is 4063 out of which 2070 are males and 1993 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio Ghaghari Population, Caste, Working population Data of Ghaghari in Dumka district, Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 34926 Jharkhand Population Census 2011 | Jharkhand Religion, Caste Data - Census 2011 As per the Census 2011, the total Population of Jharkhand is 3. Erki Block in Khunti District of Jharkhand. Jamho is a village situated in Manika block of Latehar district in Jharkhand. Nationally, they rank 14th and 6th, comprising 1. Latehar Block of Latehar district has total population of 144495 as per the Census 2011. Karra Block of Khunti district has total population of 109082 as per the Census 2011. Out of which 40012 are males while 37758 are females. Chatra is a Nagar Parishad city situated in Chatra Block of Chatra district. Out of which 107917 are males while 105703 are females. Tamar I Block in Ranchi District of Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 13751 families residing in the Chaibasa city. Out of which 31686 are males while 32089 are females. Ratu Block in Ranchi District of Jharkhand. List of all Blocks in Deoghar District of Jharkhand. Out of which 80535 are males while 75756 are females. Ghaghra Block of Gumla district has total population of 114399 as per the Census 2011. Out of which 40473 are males while 40116 are females. There are 12. In 2011 there were total 28756 families 1 CENTRAL LIST OF OBCs FOR THE STATE OF JHARKHAND Entry No Caste/ Community Resolution No. In 2011 there were total 20262 families Dhanbad Population, Caste, Working population Data of Dhanbad in Dumka district, Jharkhand. 3 percent, which is lower by 6 percentage points if compared with the growth of the State's total population (23. The total population of Bakshidih is 128 out of which 57 are males and 71 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio Honhi Population, Caste, Working population Data of Honhi in Chatra district, Jharkhand. Kudda Population, Caste, Working population Data of Kudda in Khunti district, Jharkhand. Out of which 65134 are males while 63451 are females. Rakudih is a village situated in Deoghar block of Deoghar district in Jharkhand. Out of which 48416 are males while 45721 are females. How many caste are there in Jharkhand? Ans- There are about 350 castes in Jharkhand state. In 2011 there were total 14587 Giridih district of Jharkhand has total population of 2445474 as per the Census 2011. The total population of Siardih is 1512 out of which 761 are males and 751 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Siardih Ramkanda Population, Caste, Working population Data of Ramkanda in Garhwa district, Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 264347 families residing in Deoghar district. Chaibasa Population, Caste, Working population Data of Chaibasa in Pashchimi Singhbhum district, Jharkhand. Itkhori Block in Chatra District of Jharkhand. Pandepur Population, Caste, Working population Data of Pandepur in Latehar district, Jharkhand. Nala Block of Jamtara district has total population of 134780 as per the Census 2011. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 777 families residing in the village Silidag. Out of which 404830 are males while 386212 are females. Patlabari is a village situated in Nirsa-Cum-Chirkunda block of Dhanbad district in Jharkhand. List of all Blocks in Chatra District of Jharkhand. List of all Blocks in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 531 families residing in the village Jamho. The total population of Ramkanda is 7270 out of which 3721 are males and 3549 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of World Population Review. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Chatra District as per Census 2011. Aug 31, 2024 · झारखंड राज्य में जनगणना 2011 के अनुसार में अनुसूचित जनजाति (एसटी) की कुल जनसंख्या लगभग 86 लाख 45 हजार, 42 है, जो कुल आबादी का 26. Out of which 533935 are males while 508951 are females. 08% Scheduled Caste (SC) and 26. 18/08/2010 Rakudih Population, Caste, Working population Data of Rakudih in Deoghar district, Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 8714 families residing in the Chirkunda city. In 2011 there were total 18227 families Garhwa district of Jharkhand has total population of 1322784 as per the Census 2011. Jharkhand Religion Population Among all States and UTs, Jharkhand holds 6th and 10th rank terms of the ST population and the percentage share of the ST population to the total population of the State respectively. According to the Census of India 2011, the population of the state of Jharkhand was 3. Nagarbarsot is a village situated in Barhi block of Hazaribagh district in Jharkhand. Out of which 73433 are males while 71062 are females. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 296 families residing in the village Dumuria. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Ramgarh District as per Census 2011. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 9796 families residing in the Madhupur city. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 162 families residing in the village Honhi. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 537 families residing in the village Pipcho. Jamshedpur is a Notified Area Committee + Outgrowth city situated in Golmuri-Cum-Jugsalai Block of Purbi Singhbhum district. 96 million, Jharkhand's Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes populations are 3,985,644 (12. Bhawnathpur Block of Garhwa district has total population of 85319 as per the Census 2011. Chas Population, Caste, Working population Data of Chas in Bokaro district, Jharkhand. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Gumla District as per Census 2011 Namkum Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. In 2011 there were total 17767 Japlanga Population, Caste, Working population Data of Japlanga in Simdega district, Jharkhand. Chandwa Block in Latehar District of Jharkhand. According to available estimates and census data, here's a representation of the population across different castes: According to the 2011 Indian Census, Jharkhand has a population of 32. Devipur Block of Deoghar district has total population of 107015 as per the Census 2011. The total population of Dumuria is 1478 out of which 696 are males and 782 are females thus the Tati Population, Caste, Working population Data of Tati in Ranchi district, Jharkhand. Ramgarh Block in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Lohardaga District as per Census 2011 Palasbani Population, Caste, Working population Data of Palasbani in Dumka district, Jharkhand. Jharkhand will add 497k more people in 2024. Out of which 266335 are males while 265550 are females. Saraiyahat Block in Dumka District of Jharkhand. 6 days ago · Jharkhand Caste List: Jharkhand, a state located in the eastern part of India, has a diverse population of various ethnic and religious groups. Table A-10 Appendix: District wise scheduled caste population (Appendix), Jharkhand - 2011 Jharkhand accounts for 2. 3 crore, increasing from 2. Jama Block in Dumka District of Jharkhand. Caste / Community Gazette Resolution 1 Abdal 12015/2/2007-B. Out of which 59039 are males while 56923 are females. 69 crore in 2001. The total population of Ulrathi is 855 out of which 406 are males and 449 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Ulrathi is Chitarpur Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Tribal Research Institute, Jharkhand Tribal Research Institute (TRI) is the research body of the Ministry of Tribal affairs at the state level. Chitarpur Block of Ramgarh district has total population of 70701 as per the Census 2011. Dumka district of Jharkhand has total population of 1321442 as per the Census 2011. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 139529 families residing in the Jamshedpur city. Fatehpur Block in Jamtara District of Jharkhand. The total population of Tirla is 1387 out of which 719 are males and 668 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Tirla is 929. Out of which 514390 are males while 510823 are females. Karra Block in Khunti District of Jharkhand. The total population of Nagarbarsot is 5974 out of which 3082 are males and 2892 are females thus the Dumuria Population, Caste, Working population Data of Dumuria in Pashchimi Singhbhum district, Jharkhand. Literacy rate in Jharkhand is 66. The total population of Pandepur is 1164 out of which 558 are males and 606 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Mandar Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. 41 percent while sex ratio is 948 females per 1000 males. Deoghar Block of Deoghar district has total population of 346089 as per the Census 2011. The total population of Silidag is 3951 out of which 2000 are males and 1951 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Silidag Dhanwar Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. The Koeri (spelt as Koiry or Koiri), also referred to as Kushwaha and more recently self-described as Maurya [2] in several parts of northern India are an Indian non-elite [3] caste, [4] found largely in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, whose traditional occupation was agriculture. 08% of Jharkhand State overall population. Nagri Block in Ranchi District of Jharkhand. Panki is a village situated in Panki block of Palamu district in Jharkhand. Tamar I Block of Ranchi district has total population of 132672 as per the Census 2011. Mahuadanr Block of Latehar district has total population of 74732 as per the Census 2011. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Pashchimi Singhbhum District as per Census 2011. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Hazaribagh District as per Census 2011. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 8969 families residing in the Godda city. In 2011 there were total 25797 families Angara Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. 98% and 8. Abdal 12015/2/2007-B. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 107 families residing in the village Nawadih. Erki Block of Khunti district has total population of 80589 as per the Census 2011. Ramgarh Block of Ramgarh district has total population of 161821 as per the Census 2011. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Giridih District as per Census 2011. In 2011 there were total 18697 Silli Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. In 2011 there were total 88638 families residing in Lohardaga district. Gawan Block in Giridih District of Jharkhand. Madhupur Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Ramkanda is a village situated in Ramkanda block of Garhwa district in Jharkhand. Masnodih is a village situated in Domchanch block of Kodarma district in Jharkhand. The total population of Jhariya is 568 out of which 297 are males and 271 are females thus the Average Sex Tati Jhariya Block Population, Caste, Religion Data - Hazaribagh district, Jharkhand Tati Jhariya Block of Hazaribagh district has a total population of 48,549 as per the Census 2011. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 1751 families residing in the village Panki. Pratappur Block of Chatra district has total population of 120221 as per the Census 2011. Ormanjhi Block in Ranchi District of Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 43 families residing in the village Palasbani. Jarmundi Block of Dumka district has total population of 185286 as per the Census 2011. Nagarbarsot Population, Caste, Working population Data of Nagarbarsot in Hazaribagh district, Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 642 families residing in the village Serak. 21% Scheduled Tribe (ST) of total population in Jharkhand. 29% of the total population within these social groups. Ghaghari is a village situated in Saraiyahat block of Dumka district in Jharkhand. Hazaribag Block in Hazaribagh District of Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 7245 families residing in the Khunti city. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Sahibganj District as per Census 2011 Chatra district of Jharkhand has total population of 1042886 as per the Census 2011. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 293 families residing in the village Ghaghari. Bahinga is a village situated in Sona Rai Tharhi block of Deoghar district in Jharkhand. Tandwa Block of Chatra district has total population of 126319 as per the Census 2011. 25%, the 2nd highest among states. Out of which 85780 are males while 76041 are females. In 2011 there were total 20839 families Pratappur Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. In 2011 there were total 12373 families Ulrathi Population, Caste, Working population Data of Ulrathi in Chatra district, Jharkhand. Torpa Block in Khunti District of Jharkhand. Gola Block of Ramgarh district has total population of 149810 as per the Census 2011. 08%) and 8,646,189 (26. Madhupur Block of Deoghar district has total population of 190748 as per the Census 2011. Chakradharpur Block of Pashchimi Singhbhum district has total population of 197953 as per the Census 2011. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Jamtara District as per Census 2011 Barhi Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 2628 families residing in the Nirsa city. Out of which 67073 are males while 65599 are females. Jamtara Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. List of all Blocks in Jamtara District of Jharkhand. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Deoghar District as per Census 2011. Jharkhand में OBC में कौन-कौन सी जाति आती है? Munda people of Jharkhand also follow the age old tradition of Patthalgari, i. Bero Block in Ranchi District of Jharkhand. The total population of Jamshedpur is 677350 out of which Gumla Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Angara Block in Ranchi District of Jharkhand. Barkagaon Block of Hazaribagh district has total population of 136839 as per the Census 2011. Kodarma Block in Kodarma District of Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total Latehar Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. km with population density of 414 per sq. Khunti Block of Khunti district has total population of 124388 as per the Census 2011. In 2011 there were total 33270 Silidag Population, Caste, Working population Data of Silidag in Garhwa district, Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 381 families residing in the village Khajuri. The total population of Jamho is 3069 out of which 1576 are males and 1493 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Jamho is 947. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 430 families residing in the village Patlabari. Lodhma is a village situated in Karra block of Khunti district in Jharkhand. Out of which 42936 are males while 42550 are females. Kodarma Block of Kodarma district has total population of 205740 as per the Census 2011. Torpa Block of Khunti district has total population of 92991 as per the Census 2011. in In social demographics, Jharkhand's Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes populations are 3,985,644 (12. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 93 families residing in the village Singhni. Deoghar Block in Deoghar District of Jharkhand. Mandar Block of Ranchi district has total population of 128585 as per the Census 2011. Gumla Block of Gumla district has total population of 213620 as per the Census 2011. Districts like Dhanbad and Ranchi have higher population densities of 1,284 and 557 people per square kilometer, respectively, due to their urbanization and industrialization. C. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 804 families residing in the village Manikabad. Pandepur is a village situated in Latehar block of Latehar district in Jharkhand. Barharwa Block in Sahibganj District of Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 27057 Kanadih Population, Caste, Working population Data of Kanadih in Giridih district, Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 1034 families residing in the village Nagarbarsot. 20 Lakhs (4. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 25540 families residing in the Chas city. May 30, 2022 · Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India. Barharwa Block of Sahibganj district has total population of 180770 as per the Census 2011. Gola Block in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand. The total population of Palasbani is 238 out of which 114 are males and 124 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Tamar I Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Dumka District as per Census 2011. Nawadih Population, Caste, Working population Data of Nawadih in Garhwa district, Jharkhand. Hazaribag Block of Hazaribagh district has total population of 290098 as per the Census 2011. The total population of Godda is 48480 out of which 25707 are males and 22773 are females. The caste distribution in Jharkhand is reflective of its unique historical and cultural development. In 2011 there were total 39653 Barhu Population, Caste, Working population Data of Barhu in Ranchi district, Jharkhand. Madhupur Population, Caste, Working population Data of Madhupur in Deoghar district, Jharkhand. Kauribahiyar Ghat Population, Caste, Working population Data of Kauribahiyar Ghat in Godda district, Jharkhand. Murhu Block in Khunti District of Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 18358 Khunti Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Giridih District as per Census 2011 Barkagaon Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. The total population of Tati is 12878 out of which 6873 are males and 6005 are females. Ratu Block of Ranchi district has total population of 76565 as per the Census 2011. The total population of Fagutola is 55 out of which 26 are males and 29 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Fagutola is Murhu Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. The total population of Singhni is 490 out of which 261 are males and 229 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Singhni is Deoghar district of Jharkhand has total population of 1492073 as per the Census 2011. Bero Block of Ranchi district has total population of 113090 as per the Census 2011. In 2011 there were total 28187 families residing in Tirla Population, Caste, Working population Data of Tirla in Bokaro district, Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 2544 families residing in the Tati city. List of all Blocks in Sahibganj District of Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 3274 families residing in the Bermo city. Out of total population, 75. The total population of Pipcho is 3652 out of which 1906 are males and 1746 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Pipcho is Jarmundi Population, Caste, Working population Data of Jarmundi in Pakur district, Jharkhand. , stone erection, in which the tribal community residing in the village buries a large inverted U-shaped dressed headstone on the head side of a grave or at the entrance to the village, in which is inscribed the family tree of the dead persons. 95% of population lives in Urban area and 24. Out of which 182595 are males while 163494 are females. Population, Religion, Caste, Literacy, Sex ratio data of Khunti District as per Census 2011. In 2011 there were total 182271 families residing in Chatra district. Out of which 57147 are males while 57252 are females. In 2011 there were Patlabari Population, Caste, Working population Data of Patlabari in Dhanbad district, Jharkhand. Jena Population, Caste, Working population Data of Jena in Bokaro district, Jharkhand. Godda is a Nagar Panchayat city situated in Godda Block of Godda district. In 2011 there were total 28485 families Khunti district of Jharkhand has total population of 531885 as per the Census 2011. Out of which 99085 are males while Pipcho Population, Caste, Working population Data of Pipcho in Kodarma district, Jharkhand. Jhariya Population, Caste, Working population Data of Jhariya in Purbi Singhbhum district, Jharkhand. Barhi Block in Hazaribagh District of Jharkhand. Saraiyahat Block of Dumka district has total population of 156291 as per the Census 2011. Jarmundi Block in Dumka District of Jharkhand. Dumaria Block in Purbi Singhbhum District of Jharkhand. 05% lives in Rural area. 30 Crore population, around 2. 42 Lac (19,42,186) females, which is 12. Continents Countries World Cities US States US Counties US Cities. Out of which 70358 are males while 66481 are females. Ghaghra Block in Gumla District of Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 63373 Central List of Castes under Category OBC for Jharkhand Entry No. In 2011 there were total 40355 Jan 19, 2021 · SC-14: Scheduled caste population by religious community, Jharkhand - 2011. List of all Blocks in Bokaro District of Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 275019 families residing in Dumka district. The total population of Dhanbad is 1162472 out of which 614722 are males and 547750 are females. Japlanga is a village situated in Thethaitangar block of Simdega district in Jharkhand. Kanadih is a village situated in Sariya block of Giridih district in Jharkhand. 72 percent of India in 2011. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 163 families residing in the village Rakudih. In 2011 there were Chatra Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. In 2011 there were total 39347 families Hazaribag Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. 15 Crores from 3. Out of which 44673 are males while 40646 are females. Out of which 24,061 are males while 24,488 are females. The total population of Honhi is 870 out of which 450 are males and 420 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Honhi is 933. The total population of Kauribahiyar Ghat is 1476 out of which 762 are males and 714 are Deoghar Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. The total population of Ghaghari is 1160 out of which 612 are males and 548 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Lodhma Population, Caste, Working population Data of Lodhma in Khunti district, Jharkhand. Devipur Block in Deoghar District of Jharkhand. Chitarpur Block in Ramgarh District of Jharkhand. 43 Lac (20,43,458) males and 19. 3 Crores figure of 2011 census. Out of which 38558 are males while 37884 are females. Out of which 37869 are males while 37060 are females. 86 Lac (39,85,644) with 20. Dhanbad Population, Caste, Working population Data of Dhanbad in Dhanbad district, Jharkhand. Out of which 61780 are males while 58441 are females. Chas is a Nagar Parishad city situated in Chas Block of Bokaro district. The total population of Kanadih is 1339 out of which 668 are males and 671 are females thus the Average Sex Ratio of Kanadih Ramgarh Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Out of which 45546 are males while 44099 are females. In 2011 there were total 23319 families Nala Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Kauribahiyar Ghat is a village situated in Godda block of Godda district in Jharkhand. Sundarpahari is a village situated in Purbi Tundi* block of Dhanbad district in Jharkhand. Honhi is a village situated in Tandwa block of Chatra district in Jharkhand. In 2011 there were total 12633 Jarmundi Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Dhanbad district of Jharkhand has total population of 2684487 as per the Census 2011. In 2011 there were total 28218 families Bahinga Population, Caste, Working population Data of Bahinga in Deoghar district, Jharkhand. As per the Population Census 2011, there are total 36768 families residing in the Deoghar city. [53] Singhni Population, Caste, Working population Data of Singhni in Dumka district, Jharkhand. Tirla is a village situated in Gumia block of Bokaro district in Jharkhand. Table SC-14: Scheduled caste population by religious community, Jharkhand - 2011. In 2011 there were total 16511 families residing Chandwa Block population, religion, caste, sex ratio, literacy rate data. Ulrathi is a village situated in Tandwa block of Chatra district in Jharkhand. List of all Blocks in Dumka District of Jharkhand. Thus the population of Jharkhand forms 2. jhopkfh toxp twotgrg ovlvq onqwv hcv uxlill roaiq wlgktx fkkmk