Rosh chodesh in hebrew. Rosh Chodesh in Depth; The Hebrew Month of Iyar.
Rosh chodesh in hebrew Each month comes with its own light, blessings, challenges, and opportunities. Question: I don't mean to brag, but I need to share this with you, Rabbi. Before the calendar was set, this was determined by whether the new moon was seen on the 30th of the month. Answer: Indeed, although the semi-holiday of Rosh Chodesh is celebrated by both men and women, there's a special feminine connection to the day. Reply Rosh Chodesh is the Hebrew phrase “the start of the month. Every year on the holiday of Shavuot, we renew our acceptance of G‑d’s gift, and G‑d “re-gives” the Torah. Rosh Chodesh Kislev for Hebrew Year 5786 begins at sundown on Thursday, 20 November 2025 and ends at nightfall on Friday, 21 November 2025. “Rosh Chodesh” means the “Head of the New The Book of Exodus establishes the new moon of Nisan, which is the first month of Aviv, as the beginning of the Hebrew calendar: And the LORD spoke unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, saying: "This month shall mark for you the beginning of the months; it shall be the first of the months of the year for you. Incomplete Hallel (omit the two paragraphs as indicated) 307-311: Song of the Day: 218: Barchi Nafshi (grey box immediately following: 219: Torah Reading: Tazriah & Metzora: Rosh Chodesh Torah Reading: 468: Haftorah for Rosh Chodesh: Rosh Chodesh Elul marks a time for renewal and self-improvement, offering a chance for introspection and new beginnings before the new year. There is no month that is the same. 1; Although there is no obligation to wash and eat a meal in honor of Rosh Chodesh, one should endeavor to increase in what is eaten on Rosh Chodesh, in honor of this day, and even to include bread during the meal. Why is there ecclesiastical and civil Jewish year? Reply. It is also the first month used for counting the festivals (moedim) of the Hebrew Calendar and Short Torah Teachings Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan: Flood or Temple. , "The molad will occur Sunday evening, The Shabbat before the start of a Jewish month (Rosh Chodesh) is known as Shabbat Mevarchim, “the Shabbat when we bless. Every month is either 29 or 30 days long, beginning (and ending) on a special day known as Rosh Chodesh (“The Head of the Month”). What is Rosh Chodesh? What is Rosh Chodesh? DS. Tevet or Capricorn is the tenth month in the Hebrew calendar, whereby 10 is a Holy number, further supporting it as a good month. Today is the second of the two Rosh Chodesh ("Head of the Month") days for the month of "Adar II" (when a month has 30 days, both the last day of the month and the first day of the following month serve as the following month's Rosh Chodesh). 2 Comments. hebrew4christians. Rosh Chodesh (Hebrew month) will be on the day (Hebrew day of the week) that comes to us and to all Israel for good. When blessing the new month in the synagogue on the Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh, it is customary to announce the time that the molad (birth of the new moon) occurs in Jerusalem, so that it can be kept in mind while saying the blessing. Rosh Chodesh, which literally means “head of the month,” holds a special place in the Hebrew calendar as the start of a new lunar month. Rosh Chodesh and Torah Readings In Jewish tradition, the last Sabbath of the month before the appearance of the new moon (i. In Hebrew, Rosh Chodesh means, literally, "head of the month" or "first of the month. We learn from the Zohar that a rainbow is a force which provides balance and central column energy. Conversely, in a 29-day month, only the first day of the new month holds this distinction. Year-End Appeal. On the last Shabbat of the Hebrew month, the cantor stands with the Torah scroll in his arms, and announces the day of the coming week on which the New Moon, Rosh Chodesh, will fall. The announcement is preceded and followed by particularly On Rosh Chodesh, however, there is no prohibition of melacha, and therefore there is not a mitzvah to recite Hallel. Rabbi Daniel Klein is the Dean of the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College in Newton, MA. Shmuel August 8, 2022. 11 Facts About the Month of Iyar Every Jew Should Know. Rosh Chodesh Kislev for Hebrew Year 5785 began on Saturday, 30 November 2024 and ended on Monday, 2 December 2024. On the Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh, the custom is to announce the day or days on which the new month will fall, and to pray that “HaKadosh Baruch Hu renew it for us and all of Israel for goodness and blessing. In Numbers 28, along with the daily and weekly Temple sacrifices, we read of the special offerings brought in honor of Rosh Chodesh. Is it because the previous month had 29 days 12 hours , so the next month 12+12=24 hrs The Holy One heard this and rewarded the women- in this world they would observe Rosh Chodesh more than men, and in the next world they would be renewed like the new moon. The Talmud associates Rosh Chodesh observance with the Shekhinah, the Divine Presence: Rabbi Aha ben Hanina also said in the name of Rabbi Assi in Rabbi Yohanan’s name: Whoever pronounces the benediction over the new moon in its due time welcomes, as it were, the presence of the Shekhinah. 4 4 Tevet Shabbat Ends: 17:26 Vayigash December starts on Hebrew date 30 Cheshvan 5785; December ends on the Hebrew date of 30 Kislev 5785; December has 31 days; Parashot Hashavua Vayetze, Vyishlach, Vayeshev Rosh Chodesh Tevet - Capricorn The month of Tevet, from the word "tov" meaning good, is connected to the astrological sign of Capricorn. "Let my people go!" Indeed, the month of Nisan is called Chodesh ha-yeshuah (חדֶשׁ הַיְשׁוּעָה), the "month of the salvation," both in terms of remembering the physical Rosh Chodesh Elul for Hebrew Year 5785 begins at sundown on Saturday, 23 August 2025 and ends at nightfall on Monday, 25 August 2025. The word month in many English Bible translations is the word for a new moon and is the Hebrew word Chodesh חֹדֶשׁ. Rabbi David Gans wrote in "Nehmad Ve'Naim," which is a Hebrew book on cosmography which was first published in 1601 -- "For the world is called 'intelligent', In the Jewish calendar, months consist of either 29 or 30 days, and Rosh Chodesh marks the first day of each Hebrew month. Log in Sign up. ” “Chodesh” (“khoe-desh”- חׄדֶשׁ) is a word used throughout the Hebrew Scriptures for the word “Moon” or “month. Rosh Chodesh is the monthly celebration of the New Moon, according to the Jewish calendar. One should not fast on Rosh Chodesh, even if the fast is intended for just a few hours. Throughout the Tanach, the term ראֹשׁ חֹדֶשׁ, rosh chodesh, literally “the head of the month” is used to denote the beginning or first day of a new month. Rosh Chodesh, meaning “Head of the Month” in Hebrew, is a minor Jewish festival observing the start of a new month in the Hebrew calendar. Here is a Hebrew blessing to The month of Elul is a time of repentance in preparation for the High Holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. 1 1 Tevet Hanukkah Rosh Chodesh. 2-4. On the Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh, the new Hebrew month, we announce the new month with a special prayer, called Birkat HaChodesh. ” In Judaism, the first day of every month in the Hebrew calendar is marked by the birth of a new moon. However, there is an ancient custom to recite Hallel on Rosh Chodesh as a remembrance for the mitzvah of Kiddush HaChodesh, &/or to publicize that it is Rosh Chodesh. When the moon is exactly between the earth and the sun, the new month Today is the first of the two days of Rosh Chodesh (“Head of the Month”) for the month of Elul (when a month has 30 days, both the last day of the month and the first day of the following month serve as the following month’s Rosh Chodesh). Skip to BeTodah Me-Rosh: Thank You in Advance: Bevakasha: Please (or your welcome) Bevakasha et Zeh: This, Please: Bivracha: In Blessing: Bli Safek: Rosh Chodesh: First of the Month Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan for Hebrew Year 5786 begins at sundown on Tuesday, 21 October 2025 and ends at nightfall on Thursday, 23 October 2025. Tradition teaches that the month of Elul is a particularly propitious time for repentance. The word Sagittarius in Hebrew is from the word Keshet, which means rainbow. Rosh Chodesh is quite possibly the most minor of Jewish holidays and suffers from that ailment; the familiar proverb describes, “familiarity breeds contempt. Spiritual Energy of the Month: Courage Each month, At The Well shares a new Moon Manual to introduce you to the spiritual energy of that Hebrew month. The other day, I was reading to my four year old son a children's book about the Jewish months, when he stopped and asked me a straight-forward question: What's Rosh Chodesh 🌒. e. Learn Hebrew phrases with easy English Transliteration from eHebrew. net. 5 days, the Jewish calendar “splits the difference”: some months are 29 days and others 30. Rosh Chodesh means the “head of the new [moon],” and indeed it is a day—or two—of Jewish celebration marking the start of a new lunar month. Special portions are added to the daily prayers: Hallel (Psalms 113-118) is recited -- in its "partial" form -- following the Shacharit Rosh Chodesh Kislev 2024 / רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ כִּסְלֵו 5785 Start of month of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar Rosh Chodesh Kislev for Hebrew Year 5785 begins at sundown on Saturday, 30 November 2024 and ends at nightfall on Monday, 2 December 2024. חֶשְׁוָן (transliterated Cheshvan or Heshvan) is the 8th month of the Hebrew year, has 29 or 30 days, and corresponds to October or November on the Gregorian calendar. Audio & Video. Start of month of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar. It is marked by the birth of a new moon. According to Kabbalah, each day, week, and month contains different energy. I had no idea that you were supposed to avoid anything on Rosh Chodesh, although I have heard that some women don't do laundry on Rosh Chodesh, but that wasn't one of the choices. Special portions are added to the daily prayers: Hallel (Psalms 113-118) is recited—in its “partial” form—following the Shacharit The words “rosh chodesh” are not found in the Hebrew Bible. How Is This Observed? Historically, women took Rosh Chodesh as a sort of holiday where they didn't do hard chores at home. We pray that the coming month will be a time of good health, Rosh Chodesh Torah Readings. com Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan for Hebrew Year 5785 began on Thursday, 31 October 2024 and ended on Saturday, 2 November 2024. Hebrew for Christians www. (20) And out of all the nations, said the LORD, they shall bring all your brothers on horses, in chariots and drays, Rosh Chodesh Iyyar for Hebrew Year 5785 begins at sundown on Sunday, 27 April 2025 and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, 29 April 2025. 1. In 30-day lunar months, In Hebrew, Rosh Chodesh means, literally, "head of the month" or "first of the month. Texts Topics Community Donate. . Rosh Chodesh Tevet for Hebrew Year 5786 begins at sundown on Friday, 19 December 2025 and ends at nightfall on Sunday, 21 December 2025. The Jewish calendar follows lunar months, each with 29 or 30 days, although the year is solar. By Rabbi Daniel Klein ‘10 Oct 30, 2024. Support My Jewish Learning The term ‘Rosh Chodesh’ literally means 'head of the month', but translates to ‘New Month’ in English. 11 Comments. In the month of Sivan, we celebrate the holiday of Shavuot, when the Torah was given by G‑d to the Jewish people on Mount Sinai more than 3,300 years ago. Start of month of Iyyar on the Hebrew calendar. Both Nisan and Tishrei are referred to as the start of the Jewish calendar. The Haftarah’s name, “machar chodesh” (Hebrew for “tomorrow is Rosh Chodesh”), is taken from its opening verse. The It Starts the Jewish Month. Therefore, the custom is to announce the exact time Rosh Chodesh Adar for Hebrew Year 5785 begins at sundown on Thursday, 27 February 2025 and ends at nightfall on Saturday, 1 March 2025. Ever since G‑d took us out of Egypt, the Jewish people have been keeping track of time—and celebrating the festivals—according to the lunar calendar, which contains 12 () months. Kislev ( כִּסְלֵו ) is the 9th month of the Hebrew year, has 30 or 29 days, and corresponds to November or December on the Gregorian calendar. Question: Why is Rosh Chodesh, the holiday that marks the entry of a new Jewish month, considered a "women's holiday"?. Note: the first day of Tishrei is not considered Rosh Chodesh. The month of Kislev (Sagittarius) is a positive month and is known as the month of miracles. The Jewish calendar follows lunar months, For this reason, Hebrew months alternate between 29 and 30 days in length, with the actually moment of the new moon falling in between. The 30-day month is called "malei The ritual known today as birkat hachodesh, “the blessing of the new moon,” is widely observed in synagogues throughout the world. The Psalm sung by the Levites is not known with The New moon signals the beginning of a new month according to the Biblical calendar. Throughout history our light has waxed and waned. Rosh Chodesh in Depth; The Hebrew Month of Iyar. , Rosh Chodesh) is called Shabbat Mevarkhim (שַׁבַּת מְבָרְכִים, "Sabbath of Blessing"), and an additional prayer is recited asking God to bless the coming month. ” On this day, we recite a special blessing for the new month and announce the date(s) of Rosh Chodesh during the synagogue service. If Rosh Chodesh occurs the day after Shabbat, then the Shabbat is termed Shabbat Machar Chodesh–literally, “tomorrow is the [new] Pronounced: yohm KIPP-er, also yohm kee-PORE, Origin: Hebrew, The Day of Atonement, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar and, with Rosh Hashanah, one of the High Holidays. Rosh Chodesh Basics. Rosh Chodesh Tevet Month of Contradiction. By David (anniversary of a death) or a Hebrew Rosh Chodesh Tevet for Hebrew Year 5785 begins at sundown on Monday, 30 December 2024 and ends at nightfall on Wednesday, 1 January 2025. This mood of repentance builds through the month of Elul to the period of Selichot, to Rosh Hashanah, and finally to Yom Kippur. ” “Rosh chodesh” means “head of Question: Which portion of the Torah is read on Rosh Chodesh?. Each day of Iyar represents another step in this spiritual journey toward Sinai. But even in utter darkness, it has never been extinguished. Adar I 5784: Courage. **First or Primary:** “Rosh” can also imply something that is first or primary in a list or series. Response: On Rosh Chodesh, the "head" of the new month, we read four aliyahs from Numbers 28. Rosh Chodesh is the first day of the month in the Hebrew calendar and is marked by the appearance of the new moon. About 94-95% of the time (again, English translations vary), it is translated as month. Rosh Chodesh Adar Aleph I. com by John J. g. When Shabbat coincides with the beginning of a new Hebrew month (Rosh Chodesh) we read a special maftir about Rosh Chodesh sacrifices at the end of the Torah reading, and chant a special haftarah taken from the book of Isaiah. It is a time of celebration and reflection, as well as a chance to connect with the rhythms of nature and the divine. Festivals, Rosh Chodesh, Musaf Amidah for Rosh Chodesh, Avot. Here is the 31 30 Kislev Hanukkah Rosh Chodesh. At the end of a 30-day month, Rosh Chodesh is celebrated Jewish texts and source sheets about Rosh Chodesh from Torah, Talmud and other sources in Sefaria's library. The requirements for any aliyah is a minimum of three verses. Leeks - the Hebrew word is Karti, the root of which means to "cut off". Sort By: Newest Oldest. Nisan and Rosh Chodesh Nisan – In Relation to Other Months of the Year. By The most comprehensive and advanced Jewish calendar online. “Rosh Chodesh” {ראש חודש} is Hebrew for “the beginning of the month” and it literally means “the head of the month. 1 Nisan (30 days – A text-based summary of the Rosh Chodesh basics. The name of the month (spelled Alef-Lamed-Vav The first day of each month is known as “rosh chodesh” in Hebrew. Similar to Rosh Hashanah, which means “head of the year” and serves as the Jewish Rosh Chodesh — which literally means “head of the month” — is the minor holiday that marks the beginning of every Hebrew month. רֹאשׁ חוֹדֶשׁ, transliterated Rosh Chodesh or Rosh Hodesh, is a minor holiday that occurs at the beginning of every month in the Hebrew calendar. 3 3 Tevet Light Candles: 16:23. At The Well . וּפִי יַגִּיד תְּהִלָּתֶךָ: In Hebrew Rosh means head; Chodesh means new; so Rosh Chodesh literally means a new or renewed head or a renewal of consciousness. " Rosh Chodesh is the first day of any new month. Holidays. The full moon is always fifteen days later on the 15th of the Hebrew month, often marking the start of Jewish holidays. For example Month of Av is the eleventh month of the civil year and the fifth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar. ” It comes from a verb meaning “to renew or repair. Features a brief summary of key events in Jewish history, laws and customs, Shabbat times and more. From this point on, the Hebrew Calendar was placed in the hands of the Jewish People. Hebrew Language Day (Yom HaIvrit) celebrates the Hebrew language and its revival. English: Rosh Chodesh or Rosh ḥodesh is the name for the first day of every month in the Hebrew calendar, marked by the appearance of the new moon. 1 Comment. Join the Discussion. "— Exodus 12:1-2 Learn about Rosh Chodesh! Read on to find out more about the meaning of the new Hebrew month, its incredible symbolism, and much more. Rosh Chodesh in Depth. Please give guidance and Can you please explain on what basis does a hebrew month have "the 30th day" . Rosh Chodesh, which literally means "head of the month" in Hebrew, is a holiday that marks the beginning of each month in the Jewish calendar. Chodesh. 2 2 Tevet Hanukkah. In months that are 30 days long, the 30th day is treated as part of the Rosh Chodesh for the next month, and the Rosh Chodesh for next month extends for two days (the 30th of the earlier month and the 1st of the later month). The chazzan (cantor) then announces the precise time of Rosh Chodesh in Jerusalem: Rosh Chodesh (Hebrew month) will be on the day (Hebrew day of the week) that comes to us and to all Israel for good. As we continue our life Rosh Chodashim is the Biblical New Years Day, the start of the month of the Exodus from Egypt and the beginning of Jewish national history. What is Rosh Chodesh? Rosh Chodesh is a Jewish holiday that is celebrated at the beginning of every month in the Hebrew calendar. It is the day(s) on which a new month begins and is. Rosh Chodesh translation and audio pronunciation What is Rosh Hashanah / Rosh Chodesh Tishrei? Rosh Hashanah is traditionally thought of as the Jewish New Year and literally means "head of the year". When the Moon Dissappears By Yitzi Hurwitz. It is considered a minor holiday, akin to the intermediate days of Passover and Sukkot. Sivan is the third month on the Jewish calendar counting from Nissan. 2 One should not take a haircut on Rosh Chodesh, even if it comes out on Friday and Shabbat Mevarchim. Start of month of Elul on the Hebrew calendar. The months were once declared by a beit din (rabbinical Rosh Chodesh Kislev - Sagittarius. In the Hebrew calendar, the first day of every month is named "Rosh Chodesh" and it is marked by the birth of a new moon. For example, “Rosh Chodesh” refers to the first day of the Hebrew month, marking the start of Rosh Chodesh Tevet for Hebrew Year 5785 begins at sundown on Monday, 30 December 2024 and ends at nightfall on Wednesday, 1 January 2025. The moon is sometimes called levanah in Hebrew (from lavan, white). Rosh Chodesh Tevet is sometimes observed as one day and sometimes as two, because Kislev, the preceding month, is sometimes “full” the saddest day in the Hebrew Calendar, the Date of Destruction of both Temples, and the most somber fast day. עברית English. Original Word: רֹאשׁ Part of Speech: Noun Masculine Transliteration: ro'sh Pronunciation: rohsh Phonetic Spelling: (roshe) Definition: Head, chief, top, beginning, leader Meaning: the head Word Origin: Derived from an unused root meaning to shake Corresponding Greek / Hebrew Entries: - G2776 (κεφαλή, kephalē) – head - G746 (ἀρχή, archē) – beginning, ruler Pronunciation of Rosh chodesh with 2 audio pronunciations, 1 synonym, 1 meaning, 1 translation, 6 sentences and more for Rosh chodesh. אִיָיר (transliterated Iyyar or Iyar) is the 2nd month of the Hebrew year, has 29 days, and corresponds to April or May on the Gregorian calendar. — Mishnah, Rosh Hashanah 2. כִּי שֵׁם יְהֹוָה אֶקְרָא הָבוּ גֹֽדֶל לֵאלֹהֵֽינוּ: אֲדנָי, שְׂפָתַי תִּפְתָּח. Adar ( אַדָר ) is the 12th month of the Hebrew year, has 29 days, and corresponds to February or March on the Gregorian calendar. 11 Rosh Chodesh: The New Moon. The first night is Friday, February 9th 2024. It is observed on the 21st of Tevet, the birthday of Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, who played a significant role in the revival of Hebrew as a modern spoken language. Rosh Chodesh Questions. Rosh Chodesh in the Jewish Calendar 2025. What Does the Torah Say About Rosh Chodesh? Since David and Jonathan make these plans on the day before Rosh Chodesh, the story of how they unfold, detailed below, is read as the Haftarah on every Shabbat when the following day is Rosh Chodesh. By Jenna Zadaka. With the birth of each New Moon something new is born. Hebrew Letter: ל Lamed. If the preceding month is 30 days, both the 30th day and the initial day of the new month are recognized as Rosh Chodesh. Traditionally, the time is announced in hours, minutes and chalakim — e. 3. We connect to leeks to The new moon (the reappearance of the thin crescent) marked the beginning of the month for the Hebrew calendar. Jewish texts and source sheets about Rosh Chodesh from Torah, Talmud and other sources in Sefaria's library. For instance, “Rosh Yeshiva” refers to the head or chief of a religious school or seminary. Though not as widely known outside the Jewish world as other holidays and occasions, the day of Rosh Chodesh – the beginning of every month in the Hebrew calendar – carries a special significance in Jewish faith. If you forgot to say Yaaleh veyavo on Rosh Chodesh or Chol Hamoed, in Shacharis, although you did not realize it until after you prayed Musaf (where you already mentioned Rosh Chodesh or the festival), nevertheless, you are required to repeat the prayers of Shacharis. (19) I will set a sign among them, and send from them survivors to the nations: to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud—that draw the bow—to Tubal, Javan, and the distant coasts, that have never heard My fame nor beheld My glory. Shabbat Rosh Chodesh Haftarah Companion For an informed reading of Isaiah 66:1–24. They shall declare My glory among these nations. The Torah instituted that each new month be commemorated with a sacrifice. He was ordained by Hebrew College in 2010 and previously served as Dean of Students. I got 9 out of 10. It’s also a holiday commonly associated with women, with special customs and celebrations to honor women’s unique roles Psalm 46:1-2 Hebrew page (pdf); The great Passover (חג הפסח הגדול במצרים) is all about the victory of God over the powers of darkness for the sake of our deliverance (יְשׁוּעָה). Start of month of Cheshvan on the Hebrew calendar. The haftarah selection is from Isaiah 66:1-24. Chodesh (Strongs #H2320) means month. (function In Hebrew, the month's name Until now, the Calendar was, so to speak, in G-d’s hands. ×. Rosh Chodesh (the new month) is celebrated for either one or two days. Rosh Chodesh Blessing. Elul ( אֱלוּל ) is the 6th month of the Hebrew year, has 29 days, and corresponds to August or September on the Gregorian calendar. On Rosh Chodesh, which occurred on Shabbat, the song honoring Rosh Chodesh would replace the regular Shabbat song, in order to announce that today is Rosh Chodesh. If the time [of Shacharis] has passed you may compensate for it at Minchah. Start of month of Tevet on the Hebrew calendar. Note: Add the grey box on 214 with insertions for Rosh Chodesh. But the start of the siege set the stage for both of those tragic events. Rosh Chodesh: The New Moon. It seemed like a very easy quiz, until I came to question 10. The word “rosh” (רׄאשׁ) means “head. Tevet ( טֵבֵת ) is the 10th month of the Hebrew year, has 29 days, and corresponds to December or January on the Gregorian calendar. What Do We Read From the Torah on Rosh Chodesh? By Menachem Posner. There is a thought provoking teaching from the Jewish sages of blessed memory that the first day of the New Moon actually holds within it the entire month to come, Rosh Chodesh – The Hebrew Calendar and the New Moon. ”It applies specifically to the start of each of the Jewish lunar months. Parsons 3 Hebrew4christians. The Jewish calendar, which combines both lunar and solar aspects, has 12 months (and 13 in leap Rosh Chodesh is the monthly celebration of the New Moon, according to the Jewish calendar. The practice of the Sanhedrin in ancient times is the reason for Rosh Chodesh being one or two days -- depending on the month. Rosh Chodesh is HAPPY ROSH CHODESH! Frequently Asked Questions When is Rosh Chodesh? Rosh Chodesh is celebrated on the first day of the new month of the Hebrew calendar. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year (nightfall on Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024) Yom Kippur, the Day of Forgiveness (nightfall on Friday, October 11th 2024) Rosh Chodesh – Hebrew for “head of the month” – is the monthly holiday that celebrates the arrival of the new moon, marking the start of a new month in the Jewish calendar. ” In a certain way, this also commemorates the sanctification of the new moon that the Beit Din used to perform. Rosh Chodesh Elul for Hebrew Year 5785 begins at sundown on Saturday, 23 August 2025 and ends at nightfall on Monday, 25 August 2025. Start of month of Adar on the Hebrew calendar. The Jewish nation is often compared to the moon. Spiritual Energy of the Month: Sanctifying Astrological Sign: Moznaim / Libra. Because each lunar month is 29. Start . ” An increasingly fast-paced society compounds this neglect. Site Language. It is marked by the birth of a new moon and is celebrated for one or two days depending on the length of Pronunciation guide: Learn how to pronounce Rosh Chodesh in Hebrew with native pronunciation. The holiday that occurs on the 1st day of Tishrei is called Rosh Hashana, the Jewish New Year. Since Rosh Chodesh Tammuz marks the beginning of a season of teshuvah (repentance) and the Three Weeks of Sorrow, we humbly ask the LORD to help us turn to Him with all our hearts. It occurs approximately 283 times in the Hebrew Bible (Masoretic text, other sources may vary). Rosh Chodesh Tishrei. htcqud cvprrh uloee xfdcnpm pfhuzpd qch qll xyfsn kdc gzpf